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Tbilisi Botanical Garden

Botanical garden, Tbilisi
source: narod.ru

One of the most scenic places in Tbilisi is located near the old fortress Narikala. Here is the Botanical Garden. Its age is close to the mark 400 years.
But it all began with a small "palace" of the garden, created in 1625 under the fortress. It gradually grew and even mentioned in the records of French travelers of XVII century. And in 1845, was transformed into Tbilisi Botanical Garden, becoming a research center for the study and conservation of flora.
In the lists of the Garden there listed about 3500 types of plants from around the world. At one time, this botanical center was place of acclimatization of some kinds of trees and flowers, later spread to other gardens of the former USSR. At present, there are 7 research departments dedicated to the breeding, ornamental and landscape gardening, and others.
In addition, the Botanical Garden is collaborating with 70 major gardens in the world for the exchange of seeds and herbarium material.
And for the visitors, the Botanical Gardens - is a place for relaxation, where you can wander for hours among the trees of Europe, America, Asia and Africa. Currently, it covers an area of 128 hectares, although some time ago a Muslim cemetery was attached to it. In the garden the river Tsavkisistskali, over which rises three bridges. Under one of these bridges is a beautiful waterfall, which became a favorite place for walking.

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